Leaving our mark on DrupalCon Nashville

DrupalCon North America is the biggest Drupal event of the year. Drupalists from around the globe fly in for the event to immerse themselves in an inspiring environment where they can learn from experts. It is the perfect event for Drupal enthusiasts (and newbies!) to “network, learn, and be inspired.” It will be held in Nashville, Tennessee from April 9 - 13.

This year, Debug Academy is making its mark on DrupalCon. So far, we know that at least four different sessions are being presented by Debug Academy Alumni!

We couldn’t be more proud. That simply reinforces what employers have been telling us: our graduates are impressive, and they really know what they’re doing. Sessions will be publicly announced on February 21st. One inescapable fact is that attending DrupalCon is quite expensive. Purchased today, it will cost a whopping $550 for a conference ticket to attend DrupalCon. We understand that is a significant amount of money for most people, and we’d like to do our part to make DrupalCon and Drupal Careers more accessible.

  1. We will pay for the flight, room, and ticket for one of Debug Academy’s lucky alumni
    • If you’ve taken part in one of Debug Academy’s courses, you should have received an email with details about this free contest!
  2. We are giving away a second ticket to DrupalCon to an attendee of our upcoming Drupal Sprint!
  3. We are offering discounted tickets to other Alumni looking to attend DrupalCon.

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